Our Social Impact in 2021

In many ways 2021 was a year that tested our resilience, but it was also a year when we demonstrated our commitment to delivering on our mission.

We have run an impactful and dedicated race under tough conditions.

  We have worked tirelessly across our markets with over forty supportive partners.

  We have developed new programs and refined our model of impact.

  We have run capacity development programs that helped improve livelihoods for women and youth in rural Ethiopia, and supported maternal health in Senegal.

  We assisted social entrepreneurs in Sweden to refine their business models and provided Bulgarian social entrepreneurs with tools to scale their innovations.

Our race continues as we become even more convinced in our role of enhancing the ecosystem for social entrepreneurs to ensure that we create the optimal conditions for the systemic change we so desperately need.

This is a marathon, not a sprint. And it is not a race that we will finish on our own. Nothing would have been possible without the support of our Reach for Change community. And the belief from our partners that we are able to finish every run strong.

You are welcome to find out more about the results of 2021 - a year of staying resilient - in our new Social Impact Report!

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