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Our story



Reach for Change was officially established in Sweden. Sara Damber - a famous Swedish social entrepreneur - became its CEO.

After receiving more than 2000 applications in Sweden, the first 10 Change Leaders were selected into the Incubator program.


Picture 2011

Reach for Change launched its operations in Russia and in Ghana.

In 2011 850,000 children were supported by social entrepreneurs in our Incubator programs in 3 countries.


Sara in Africa

We launched our programs in 5 more countries in Africa: Chad, DR Congo, Rwanda, Senegal, Tanzania.

At the end of 2012 we had 41 social entrepreneurs in our network of Change Leaders.

7 social entrepreneurs out of the first 10 chosen in 2010 in Sweden completed the Incubator program and become our first Alumni.


Picture 2013

More than 1 million children's lives were touched by Change Leaders in our incubator program.

Our Change Leader James Kofi Annan received the World's Children's Prize from the Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden.

Together with Metro newspaper we organized Metro Photo Challenge: people submitted their pictures to compete for a special prize - a trip to one of our program countries to meet Change Leaders.

Reach for Change launched in Kazakhstan.


Martin Exner

Reach for Change and MTG initiated a global collaboration called "Game Changers" in 10 countries and officially launched in 7 new countries - Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia, Ethiopia, Latvia, Lithuania and Norway.

In partnership with Millicom Foundation, Reach for Change launched Tigo Digital Changemakers in Tanzania, a challenge to find social entrepreneurs improving children's lives through digital tools.

In Chad our partner Tigo was being rated No1 for social responsibility among telecom operators.

The first ever C10 Summit was organized in Stockholm to join forces of international leaders fighting human trafficking.

The first ever Game Changer was selected in Ghana through the public voting, creating the biggest public engagement on Viasat 1.

In collaboration with Sida Reach for Change arranged its first ever hackathon - the Prototype Change Summit.



We launched our program in Croatia together with Tele2.

During 2015, we initiated a storytelling project "The Never Ending Stories" with support from Sida.

The second edition of Child 10 Summit gathered ten international leaders with the focus on Violence, Vulnerability and the Family.


Reach for Change launched the World's first thematic incubator "Innovation for Integration", thanks to the support from Tele2 and Hugo Stenbeck Stiftelse, exclusively focused on improving the lives of unaccompanied refugee minors.

Reach for Change together with FTV Prima launched its program in Czech Republic.

IKEA Foundation joined as our anchor partner in Ethiopia.



Reach for Change welcomed a new CEO - Sofia Breitholtz.

In conjunction with the British Council and various other players in the NGO sphere, Reach for Change became a Founding partner in setting up SE Ghana.

In Bulgaria our main partner there NOVA dedicated the whole day of its airtime on the 1st of June to the fourth PROMYANATA (Game Changers) campaign.


Africa Innovates

The president of Ghana enlisted Reach for Change's expertise to help promote social entrepreneurship in Africa. As a result a pan-African competition "Africa Innovates for SDGs" was launched.

Reach for Change launched the series of Partnering for Change events this year that took place in Stockholm, Almaty and Sofia.

We officially launched Senegal Start-Up Accelerator in partnership with Kosmos innovation Center.

The cooperation of the Russian foundation "Navstrechu peremenam" (a separate Russian legal entity, which was the branch of Reach for Change till 2015) and its main partner Tele2 Russia resulted in receiving the highest award for the best corporate program "The impulse of kindness".


Reach for Change was a platinum sponsor of the Social Enterprise World Forum 2019 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

"Navstrechu peremenam" (a separate Russian legal entity, which was the branch of Reach for Change till 2015) took part in St. Petersburg International Economic Forum for the first time.

We organized a series of successful Partnering for Change events in Stockholm, Zagreb and Vilnius engaging our partners, key influencers and opinion leaders.


Introduction by Sofia Breitholtz

We celebrated our 10 years anniversary with a big campaign Moments of Change and brought together our global community at the first digital event.

We presented our 2030 Impact Goals. Within them we aspire to change the lives of 30 million children and youth and invest in solutions addressing pressing issues aligned with Agenda 2030: Child and Youth Poverty, Climate Change, and Inequality.

Together with Storytel we launched Reach for Change Podcast on building a better world, and in partnership with Vinnova we launched Reach for Change Toolkits to help social entrepreneurs get more expertise and become sustainable.

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